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Sterilized Pneumatic Tourniquets Added to HYGIA Health Services’ Patient Room Management Program

Birmingham, AL – HYGIA Health Services, the leading provider of Essential Clinical 6749-pneumatic-tourniquet-072Commodities (ECCs) through their multiplication and management program, now offers sterilized pneumatic tourniquets in their Extreme Quality. Adding tourniquets to HYGIA customers’ ECC Management Program pushes the potential savings to well over $1,000 per bed.

Purchasing and Processing is a Breeze

Once HYGIA manages the patient room of a hospital, purchasing new inventory is just as easy as buying at a higher price from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Rather than placing an item in a trash can at the end of use, the hospital staff simply places it in a HYGIA container. HYGIA staff will handle all of the shipping, sorting, and processing.

“For every hospital we assign a Customer Service Manager for organizational needs as well as a Customer Service Multiplier (CSM) to help achieve compliance goals by completing and monitoring weekly device recovery and providing training as needed. The moment you place the items in our box, HYGIA takes care of all the rest!”
– Kathy Newton, HYGIA Director of Customer Service

Extreme Savings with ECCs

Essential Clinical Commodities (ECCs) are products—such as pneumatic tourniquets—throughout the hospital that are essential for the clinical setting and can be managed and reprocessed with HYGIA using FDA approved methodology to save over $1,000 per bed per year. Many are Single Use Devices (SUDs) historically thrown away, generating millions of pounds of landfill waste.

All items are barcoded to ensure proper tracking over the lifetime of the product. Hospitals rest assured that each ECC from HYGIA individually tested and inspected—something not even OEMs can always guarantee. Once a commodity reaches its end of life, HYGIA sends it on for recycling.

“HYGIA’s dedication to product excellence is the driving force for a holistic quality system and continual process improvement initiatives. Both of these have proven to be essential elements for extending our capabilities, adding new products, and achieving our strategic objectives.”
– Richard Wallace, HYGIA Director of Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs

What is Your Opportunity Cost?

There are only two ways for hospitals and health systems to increase revenue: either cut costs or find additional revenue. With HYGIA, clients decrease expenditure on Essential Clinical Commodities without altering employee workflow.

HYGIA offers a pre-contract ECC improvement analysis to create an operational baseline and discover the extent of potential savings, green environmental impact, and efficiency improvements over time. Contact us today to find out how much you could save!


For over a decade, HYGIA has provided 300+ hospitals in 45 states substantial savings and a more environmentally friendly option for managing their high volume essential clinical commodities (ECCs). Devices eligible for ECC management include blood pressure cuffs, hospital cubicle curtains, cerebral-somatic sensors, SCD/DVT sleeves, pulse ox sensors, ECG leads, pneumatic tourniquets, infusor bags, splints, masks, bed alarms, and stethoscopes. HYGIA achieves greater cost savings and elimination of landfill waste by concentrating on the often-ignored essential clinical commodities throughout the rest of the hospital rather than narrowly focusing on surgical items, like traditional medical reprocessors. Incorporating accountable relationships, high quality processes, and better patient experiences into the business model, single use devices (SUDs) and other ECCs are cleaned, reprocessed, tested, disinfected, packaged, and managed for superior patient room asset utilization and greater green impact. Learn more at